

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

Session 1- Day 1 Morning


Why are you here?
Presentation: General overview of Web 2.0 Tools | Web 2 opening keynote wisc.doc
Session 2:  Day 1 Afternoon
Can you interpret this?

The charge for our four days together

Today I found my voice

And it was del.icio.us

Today I learned to speak Hawaiian

And I broadcasted it worldwide...

Introduction to Blogs and Blogging | Link to Blog Discussion and Resources
Dissecting a Blog Post:  Individual and small group discussion
Question:  what elements make up a blog post?

Flickr Storm:  David Jakes

Users: John Pederson

Obtaining a Blogger Account
Configuring Your Blogger Account | Creating a Blogger post Blogger Tutorial.doc
Create a Post | Response to my post, Square Peg, Round Hole


Let's start with YouTube | Movie 1 Holiday Inn


Welcome back:  Write 4 words that describe Web 2.0
  • Be able to connect.
  • Be able to create.
  • Be able to communicate.
  • Be able to collaborate.


Will Richardson's NECC presentation on revisioning education.

This pages contains the blogs that I have from Monday and are grouped for commenting.  To begin the day, read each member of your commenting group and add a comment on the post.
An example of a meme

Chris Lehmann | Sheryl Nussbaum Beach

Brainstorming Activity:  How can you use blogging with kids?
Collaboration:  Participant Activity:  Examples of Best Practice Teaching with Blogs:  What does it look like?  In each group, read the assigned article and identify three key attributes of effective blogging.


Group 2: Blogomania

Now read Habits of Mind from the Coalition of Essential Schools.  Do the habits of the mind reflect what blogging is all about?
Communicate: using the personal blog as a reflection tool.  Create a Post:   How do you see using blogs as an instructional tool?


Collaborate: Development of an assessment for a blog tool

Given your experience with blogs over the past two days, what are the most important criteria for evaluating how effective blogs are as a learning tool?



Student-to-student Blogging Questions | Anne Davis


See David Warlick's Blogging data from his Class Blogmeister Work

3rd graders on Blogging | Mark Ahlness

Think Before You Post Video
Introduction to Class Blogmeister as a tool for classroom blogging


Mark Ahlness' class on ClassBlogmeister
Register your school at Class Blogmeister.  Be sure to save this code-any other teacher at your school will need this code.  If there are multiple teachers from one campus, this obviously is done once and the code shared.
Random Password Generator | generate passwords, copy passwords, paste into Word, and add kid names to link password with student.
Other Solutions:  21Classes, ePals has a schoolnblogging solution (http://epals.com) and so does Gaggle (http://gaggle.net).


Tuesday Afternoon


Review Blogging | Questions
del.icio.us network explorer | as a methodology for visualizing a network
Livemarks | watch del.icio.us live
Introducing Social Bookmarking
Understanding how to use tags | Tags as a folksonomy | See Tag information from del.icio.us | Tag Cloud-Most Popular at del.icio.us | NECC tags post-Jeff Utecht
My del.icio.us account is here.
Putting resources into del.icio.us | Participant worktime
Instructions for importing your browser favorites can be found here.
Expanding del.icio.us | del.icio.us Part II: Understanding Your Network, Your Subscriptions, Links for You
Getting a Furl.net account | Why?  Furl makes a copy of the Web page, so I use Furl when I encounter transitory content, such as in newspaper sites, which will generally disappear, so I put it into Furl so I always have it.
Time for adding resources into del.icio.us and Furl.
  • To save to Furl, go to http://www.furl.net/save
  • To save to del.icio.us, login and click on Post, add the URL, click Save and then add the additional data


Collaboration:  How could del.icio.us or other social bookmarking tools be used in educational settings (teaching, administrative, school-wide, professional development)?

RSS Presentation:  An Introduction to RSS and aggregators and personal learning environments
Wednesday Morning


What we've done
Tools at this point:  blogs, del.icio.us, RSS and Pageflakes
Best Practice in blogging
Adding del.icio.us buttons back into the Firefox browser
Participant del.icio.us accounts
TIME!!!  Adding resources to the Bloglines account, reading, locating and adding resources to del.icio.us, adding resources to PageFlakes, a blog post of your chosing. 
Demonstrating the purpose and use of aggregator software | My public Bloglines subscription
Adding Subscribe buttons to the browser.


List of other edubloggers, including teachers, ed tech guys, admins, classes, etc.  Impressive!
Use these blogs, with their blogroll, to help you find outstanding bloggers
Jeff Utecht


Understanding RSS feeds from del.icio.us-tags produce feeds, accounts produce feeds, and tags within accounts produce feeds.


  • Subscribing to Blog feeds
  • Subscribing to del.icio.us accounts/user tags/del.icio.us tags


Collaboration: Defining the use of RSS aggregator technology as a tool for professional development.


  • including informal learning and personal learning environment


Resources for informal learning:


Definitions of Informal Learning |  Mohamed Amine Chatti

Informal Learning:  the Other 80% | Jay Cross

A clear comparison between the two types of learning, formal and informal | Marcia Conner

The Power of Informal Learning | Bob Mosher

Make Space for Informal Learning | Dori Digenti


Read Clarence Fisher's post: iGoogle OR PageFlakes OR Bloglines
Examining PageFlakes  and creating a PageFlakes account


Create a Post:  In your blogs, address either one of these questions: 
How do you see RSS and aggregator technology being used in schools?
Do you see informal learning (with aggregator and RSS) being as part of your professional development?  Why or why not?


How will RSS impact what we do in education?
Could we have students build personal learning environments using RSS?  Should we?  Must we?
Should schools take advantage of RSS to distribute content to the school community?
Wednesday Afternoon



Drawing Web 2.0 | Gliffy

Wiki Presentation:  Got Wikis?
Obtaining a pbWiki account | Setting up a Using PB Wiki.doc
You can also use Wikispaces | here is my Wikispace wiki
Creating content in a Wiki-how is this done and what kinds of content are available? | demonstration
CSD99 wikis in Blackboard


Collaboration: Defining Best Practice characteristics.  Interact with the resource, within the context of wikis and defining best practice. Each group will have an opportunity to interact with each question.  Each group has 15 minutes per question, then the question rotates to the next group.  Remember the goal is to collaboratively build understanding, and this means adding content as well as changing content already contributed.
Group 1 Wiki | Password =  badger1 | Question:  Flat Classroom Project
Group 2 Wiki | Password =  badger2 | Question:  Classroom Google Earth Wiki
Group 3 Wiki | Password =  badger3 | Question:  MeyerIsland
Group 4 Wiki | Password =  badger4 | Question:  Welcome to the Wiki Workshop Wiki
Group 5 Wiki | Password =  badger5 | Question:  WikiTextbook
Be sure to examine Wikipatterns.  See other educational wikisVisit apWorld.
Create: Building Your Digital Libary:  Research Time on wikis (and blogs if you would like) add to your del.icio.us account
Subscribing to Wiki resources in your aggregator | my wiki feed from del.icio.us

Session 5-Third Day (morning)


Revisiting Wikis:  Collaboration: Development of an assessment for a wiki tool | How would teachers know if a wiki tool was successful with students?  What characteristics of wiki integration would you consider to be important in assessing the success of the integration of a wiki?
Wiki Page for wiki assessment tool
Added Value:  See Zoho.com
Create a Post:  in your blog, reflect on how you would use wiki tools with your students.



Presentation: Examples of Best Practice Teaching with Podcasting:  Here is what you should be thinking about...
Podcast examples:


Workshop Snapshots


Create Your Digital Libary:  Research Time on  podcasting-add to del.icio.us
Create a Post:  How do you see podcasting or social bookmarking being incorporated in what you do as a teacher?


THURSDAY:  Topics wikis, podcasting, slideshare, and visual literacy.


Best Practice Discussion using Wikis
How would you use wikis in your classroom?
Get familiar with pbWiki
Adding a slideshare file and an Evoca file into your wiki



Visual Literacy and Web 2.0 Presentation:   An Introduction to Visual Literacy, Flickr, and Digital Storytelling
Examples of Best Practice Teaching with Visual Literacy Principles
Create Your Digital Libary:  Research Time on visual literacy-add to del.icio.us
Create a Post:   What was the most intriquing aspect of visual literacy that you saw today-and why?


Session 7-Fourth Day (morning)
Review of Web 2.0 Tools
Collaboration:  Group discussion about the relationship of these tools to increased student achievement.
Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Information and Technology Literacy

Time to build and develop your digital networks.



Session 8-Fourth Day (afternoon)


Time to build and develop your digital networks.


Sustaining the momentum created by this workshop...

Create a Post:  Reflection in their blog how these tools will improve student learning.

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