
Presentation Sequence

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Social Bookmarking Presentation Sequence


Information R/evolution



There is no shelf!


Begin with Showing Livemarks:  live addition of sites into del.icio.us

Good morning | Introductions

What we'll do today


  • Explore information, how networks impact the distribution of that information, and the role that information plays in personal learning environments
  • Showcase two social bookmarking tools, called del.icio.us and furl
  •     Explain how they work
  •     Explain how to take advantage of the network capacity of these tools
  • Creative Classroom Applications of both tools
  • Final Thoughts and Questions


My Essential Questions


The 5 Big Tools of Web 2.0:  Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Flickr and Social Bookmarking

All permit content creation and/or content distribution, typically both.

These tools can form the basis of a personalized learning environment (PLE) where each contribute information to a central location (aggregator) through RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technologies.

Our task today is to examine the role that social bookmarking has in learning

The two main tools that we'll look at today are del.icio.us and furl-these are the tools of social bookmarking


A movie will help explain what social bookmarking is:  Social bookmarking from Common Craft





Exploring the del.icio.us interface


  • my bookmarks-the digital resources you save
  • my networks-the digital resources members of your network
  • subscriptions-the tags that you subscribe to
  • links for you-digital resources directly sent to you by your network members.


Expanding the concept of network



Getting Ready to add resources


Adding Resources


Tagging and Folksonomy | Tag Clouds




Classroom Applications of Social Bookmarking Tools





Additional Topics for Further Study


Using del.icio.us as a search engine


Subscribing to Tags


Example:  Subscribing in iGoogle


Podcasting directly in del.icio.us


Integration with blogs


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