
NYSCATE Web 2 Workshop

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Web 2.0 Workshop | NYSCATE


David S. Jakes

Community High School District 99, Downers Grove, IL








Visit my blog at The Strength of Weak Ties

Visit Jakesonline.org, my Web site

View my del.icio.us site

View my Furl site

View my Flickr site

View my public RSS subscriptions

Flickr site at Jakesonline

david.jakes on Skype (Naperville, IL)

follow me on Twitter - djakes




Welcome and Introductions

Why are you here | What do you want to know?

What we'll do

PowerPoint introduction to Web 2.0 Learning Environments

Getting a Google Account | What does that enable us to do?

Establishing a Reader | Populate your reader

Dissecting a Blog Post

Establishing a Blogger Account | Writing a Blog Post

Establishing a del.icio.us account

Adding people to your del.icio.us network

del.icio.us feeds in your Reader


Getting a pbWiki account

Playing in your pbWiki sandbox

Demonstration of Flickr | Demonstration of Evoca Podcasting

Understanding how this all fits together

Next Steps




Workshop Introductory Resources:


An Introduction to Web 2.0


Web 2.0 Tools:  descriptions of each can be found below.



Social Bookmarking

RSS and Aggregators



List of Web 2.0 Tools


Reading list for Web 2.0


Web 2.0 Movies


PowerPoint presentations from this workshop



Web 2.0?  What is it?  What is different?


  • participatory
  • collaborative
  • changing nature of information, and who produces it, and how it is consumed.
  • dependent upon network and network effects


Examples of Web 2.0 tools:  The Big 5




What does this mean for education and kids?  Will this change the landscape of the classroom and the learning that takes place there?  How do classrooms become more permeable? 


Social networking at IBM


Part A:  Understrating a framework for learning with technology


1.  The technology supports a fundamental literacy that the school believes in

2.  The technology adds value to the learning process | it takes learning to a place that could not be achieved unless the technology had been included.

3.  The use of technology is framed within a sound instructional pedagogy.

4.  There is assessment data that enables the evaluation of the learning, and of the application of technology, if possible.


Within the context of this framework, it is my belief that the following skills must be developed in students.

Student Skills


  • Connect
  • Create
  • Communicate
  • Collaborate



Part B:  Developing a Personal Learning Network-that's our focus.  Educators must live it first, see the benefits, and this can then translate into classroom practice.



STEP 1:  Get a Google Account.  We'll use Google to host our aggregator (Reader), develop a start page (iGoogle) and begin a blog (Blogger).


STEP 2:  Start by populating your reader, others can be found at Support Blogging.  The key to blogging is to read blogs first, develop a sense of what blogging is, what it can be, and how it can impact your thinking.  The next step beyond reading is to comment on the blogs of others and get your name out there.  At the same time, it's time to start publishing your own thoughts.



Blog of Proximal Development:  Konrad Glogowski  (http://www.teachandlearn.ca/blog/)

Strength of Weak Ties: David Jakes (http://jakespeak.blogspot.com)

Remote Access:  Clarence Fisher (http://remoteaccess.typepad.com)

Weblogg-ed:  Will Richardson (http://www.weblogg-ed.com/)

2 Cent's Worth:(http://davidwarlick.com/2cents)


Ideas and Thoughts from an Edtech: Dean Shareski (http://ideasandthoughts.org/)

The Thinking Stick:  Jeff Utecht (http://www.thethinkingstick.com/)


Multiplayer Blogs

techLEARNING blog (http://www.techlearning.com/blog)

The Infinite Thinking Machine (http://www.infinitethinking.org/)

LeaderTalk (http://www.leadertalk.org/)

The Pulse (http://www.districtadministration.com/pulse/default.aspx)


STEP 3:  Get a del.icio.us account


Become a Power Del.icio.us User


Installing the del.icio.us buttons

Understanding the del.icio.us interface

Developing a del.icio.us network

Subscribing to tags

From the blog to the del.icious account |  we'll use the Infinite Thinking Machine as an example.


STEP 4:  Add del.icio.us users to your reader







and add a tag for Web 2.0:  http://del.icio.us/tag/web2.0



STEP 5:  Get a WIKI.  We'll use PB Wiki



STEP 6:  Breathe Deeply








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