Igniting Student Achievement with Web 2.0 (Fayetteville-Manlius HS)
Part A. Presentation | See workshop schedule
An Overview of Web 2.0
What we want to answer, with respect to Web 2.0?
How does your professional learning change?
How does instruction/learning change?
What are the challenges to this change?
Movie: Help Desk (http://tinyurl.com/2pua2j)
A history of technology in Education
The emergence of the Web, and the characteristics of Web 1.0
Web 2.0? What is it? What is different?
- participatory
- collaborative
- changing nature of information, and who produces it, and how it is consumed.
- dependent upon network and network effects
Examples of Web 2.0 tools: The Big 4
What does this mean for education and kids? Will this change the landscape of the classroom and the learning that takes place there? How do classrooms become more permeable?
Social networking at IBM
A framework for learning with technology
1. The technology supports a fundamental literacy that the school believes in
2. The technology adds value to the learning process | it takes learning to a place that could not be achieved unless the technology had been included.
3. The use of technology is framed within a sound instructional pedagogy.
4. There is assessment data that enables the evaluation of the learning, and of the application of technology, if possible.
Within the context of this framework, it is my belief that the following skills must be developed in students.
Student Skills
- Connect
- Create
- Communicate
- Collaborate
Examples of my Big 4
Social Bookmarking:
Learning communities and networks: how do these tools fit together?
RSS and aggregators
See Common Craft video: http://www.commoncraft.com/rss_plain_english)
Part B: Developing a Personal Learning Network
Putting this into place: getting a Netvibes account.
Blogs to subscribe to:
Blog of Proximal Development: Konrad Glogowski (http://www.teachandlearn.ca/blog/)
Remote Access: Clarence Fisher (http://remoteaccess.typepad.com)
Weblogg-ed: Will Richardson (http://www.weblogg-ed.com/)
2 Cent's Worth:(http://davidwarlick.com/2cents)
techLEARNING blog (http://www.techlearning.com/blog)
Part C: Web 2.0 in Blackboard-Not a Contridiction in Terms
A demonstration of Learning Objects, blogs and wiki integration.
Your impressions.
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