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21st Century Cartography


David S. Jakes

Educational Technology Consultant




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Additional presentation resources are available at:  http://www.jakesonline.org/presentations.htm

My del.icio.us tag for Google Earth

My del.icio.us tag for Google Maps


Maps from the Field Museum of Chicago


Google Maps Introduction

FedEx Commercial | Shipping to China



Tools from Google

Google Earth

Google Maps

Google Streetview

Google Sky

Google Moon

Google Mars


Introduction to Google Earth and Maps

Basics of Google Earth and Maps| Just what the title says

Google Earth HTML Cut and Paste Code | Simple scripts for inserting various types of content into Google Earth placemark windows

How to Embed | New Web 2.0 tools produce embed code, what is it and how can it be utilized in Google Earth?

Sharing files (KML and KMZ).  How to work with those files, save them, and distribute them.

Compare Earth and Maps | What are the differences between the two platforms and how does this impact their use in education?


Presentation Sequences

Presentation sequence-Google Maps and Earth

Presentation links-Mt. Everest

Presentation links-JFK Assassination

Presentation embeds

Presentation Handout- Compare Maps and Earth.pdf




Video Resources | Google Earth Screencasts


How to create content in Google Earth Placemark windows


Online HTML Editor from Brookhaven National Lab


Introduction to the Process | Using an online editor to create HTML Code

Entering Text and Hyperlinks

Adding an Image

Viewing the HTML Code

Adding a YouTube Video


Video Resources | Google Streetview Screencasts


Streetview playlists -three movies of Streetview and the JFK assassination


Printed Tutorials


Creating Content in Google Earth placemark windows:  create text, images, hyperlinks and video in placemarks

Managing Placemarks in the Classroom:  creating a Google Earth project across multiple class periods

Using Flickr with Google Earth:  how to use Creative Commons Flickr images in Google Earth placemarks




YouTube plugin error



Every subject can be studied within a geographical context.  Two freely available tools, Google Earth and Google Maps can be used by teachers and students to create rich learning environments that merge content, media, and geography to make learning truly engaging.   


These two tools are rapidly evolving, with a rich online community supporting the application of these two tools to teaching and learning.




Google Earth (GE) is available as a free download from Google and requires installation.  The most current version available for PC, Mac, and Linux machines is v4.2.  Google Maps (GM) is available online at maps.google.com; does not require installation.




Google Earth does not require a login to access and create GE files.  Google Maps can be used online without a login to view files, but map creation requires a Google account.  This can be problematic for schools, but not impossible.


Media File Support:


The emergence of various Web 2.0 tools and resources, has given rise to “embed codes,” or small pieces of script that enable the user to add different resources to various Web 2.0 interfaces, most typically blogs.  For example, a blogger can embed a YouTube video directly in their blog post, and the reader/user can play the video directly in the blog without having to visit YouTube directly.  In GE and GM, the embed codes are placed in placemark windows.


  • Google Maps:  embed codes from YouTube video only.
  • Google Earth:  embed codes from YouTube, Slideshare (Powerpoint file sharing), Evoca (podcasting), and United Streaming video.  uStream.tv streaming video can also be embedded.


Other media, such as text, images, and hyperlinks can be embedded as well in both.


Ease of Use | File Creation:  it is easiest to create simple map files in Google Maps and export them to Google Earth.  For simple applications, and for teacher-created products, I prefer creating files in Google Maps.  For more complex applications involving multiple types of media, I create files in Earth.


Media Creation

Google Earth requires that the user have some basic knowledge of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language, used to build Web sites) to place multimedia elements in placemark windows.  Google Maps has a Rich-Text editor that streamlines media creation/addition in placemark windows.



Specialized Applications: 


Google Earth:  has Google Sky embedded in it in the most current version.  View planets, constellations, nebulae, stars and galaxies.  Amazing.  Google Earth also has a hidden flight simulator embedded in it.  v4.2 only.


Google Maps:  includes Streetview, which gives viewers the capability to view 3-D rotational pictures of streets in placemark windows.  Google Maps also features Mapplets, which add functionality of Google Maps.  Google Maps also offers a Profile Page, which looks like Googles attempt to bring social networking to Maps.  My profile page is here.


Resources for Educators:


7 Things You Should Know About Google Earth



Juicy Geography:  Google Earth Blog



Google Earth Lessons



Google Earth Blog



Google Earth User Guide



GoogleLitTrips.com:  explore literature through Google Earth



Ten Ideas for Using Google Maps and Google Earth


How to embed resources-Voicethread | John Maklary



Google Earth 101 for Educators | Quentin D'Souza



Community Walk



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